Tech Career Awareness

Tech Career Awareness

We embark on a journey to identify and classify these jobs, unraveling their unique aspects and distinguishing features. From software engineers who bring code to life, to cyber security analysts who protect assets, we delve into the vital areas shaping the digital realm.


Armed with an understanding of the different roles and their significance, advisors will gain the unique ability to skillfully categorize tech jobs based on their role within the industry. Moreover, advisors will eventually develop a mental map of the tech career landscape.

Tech Industry Knowledge

Tech Industry Knowledge

When it comes to navigating the vast world of technology, understanding the jargon that accompanies it is key. From terms like “MSPs" and “UI/UX" we define the concepts that are keeping advisors in the dark and limiting their interaction in the tech space.


Having a solid understanding of these terms allows advisors to communicate effectively with employers in the ever-evolving tech space. Additionally, advisors will be more prepared to discuss specifics regarding skills, education, and types of tech companies

The Recruiting and Hiring Life cycle

The Recruiting and Hiring Life cycle

Getting into the recruiters' pipeline is an intriguing journey filled with various stages. It all starts with identifying the employer’s expectations and understanding what they're looking for. From phone screenings to inperson meetings, we describe and define the expectations for each stage.


With this knowledge in hand, advisors gain the power to identify the precise stages of the recruiting and hiring process. Armed with this understanding, they can then develop tailored strategies to effectively boost their clients' chances of success at each critical juncture

Engagement and Diversity in tech

Engagement and Diversity in tech

Here we identify the barriers to tech affecting representation, and the role career services organization can play in diversifying the tech space. We also examine the lack of representation in tech, and the hiring initiatives tech companies are engaging in to make tech more diverse


Advisors will be able to identify the barriers that are discouraging their clients from pursuing tech. Moreover, advisors will be equipped to offer solutions that remove those barriers to tech, and get their clients closer to a career in tech

Tech Employer Engagement and relationship building

Tech Employer Engagement and relationship building

In this workshop, our main objective is to help non-profit organizations identify the roadblocks that hinder effective relationship building. Our aim is to uncover valuable practices that can increase engagement levels and demonstrate value for your tech employer network.